Dr Benedict Harrison

BDS (Manchester 2018)


Benedict qualified from The University of Manchester before moving to London to complete Foundation training as part of the North London scheme associated with the Eastman Dental Institute. During this training Benedict was acclaimed for his clinical skills receiving the award for the best endodontic clinical case in London, Kent, Surrey and Sussex.

After working in a mixed NHS and Private practice in Winchmore Hill, North London, Benedict moved to Linda Greenwall & Associates to become a general dental associate.

Benedict has specific interests in restorative and digital dentistry. He has been developing digital workflows at the practice that improve and enhance patient experiences. Benedict is committed to postgraduate development and has completed examinations for the Membership of the Joint Dental Faculties at The Royal College of Surgeons of England. He is also a member of British Society of Restorative Dentistry and the Alpha Omega dental society.

Outside of dentistry Benedict is a keen sportsman who enjoys training and testing himself in Triathlon’s and running events.

GDC Number: 277705